Saturday, September 11, 2010
Public Schools Face Lawsuit Over Fees
This case applies directly to Chapter 5 in the Birkland textbook. Lawyers have been filing lawsuits to close the quality of education gap between rich and poor students since the 1970's, to little effect. These lawsuits have focused on the amount of funding available, not the actual issue of whether or not public schools are allowed to charge students for activities. Education reform has been an issue on President Obama's agenda, and the by ACLU case putting the issue of education costs into the spotlight, this could provide a window of opportunity for the government to make some major policy changes in the future.
-Stephanie Doctrow
About the National Geographic Society’s Freshwater Initiative
Since it is estimated that there will be 8 billion people on Earth by 2025 and not enough freshwater for the humans now, organizations have been working on a global challenge to reduce people's water intake by 25%. There are many things people can do to work on this such as turning off the water when brushing your teeth, not running the dishwasher/ washing machine until it is full, and not overwatering your yard.
Elizabeth Woollen
Number of Families in Homeless Shelters Rises
-Elizabeth Sziler
Deep-water Drilling... But not for U.S.
The U.S. Export-Import Bank is in the process of providing a $1 billion loan to PEMEX (the Mexican state oil company.) This is significant because, due to the recent BP oil spill, the Obama administration enforced a hold on U.S. deep-water drilling that is in effect until Nov. 30. The US bank here has said that the hold does not affect their activity in such matters. The use of this money is going to be used for both offshore drilling and a facility to finance sales to U.S. small businesses. An important subject in this matter that the article does not mention though is the NAFTA because it makes trade with Mexico free of tariffs as well as a number of other trade barriers that the U.S., and private companies within, face when dealing with other countries overseas (Saudi Arabia for example.)
Alex Davis
Back-to-School Shoppers Focus on Necessities
I started to think about the question behind this social phenomenon. Is it related to the side-effect of economy crisis? Clearly, the answer is YES! But, i think it is also a good sign for the government, which is about the growth of the wisely shopping idea and people are closer to the reasonable budget planner.
Friday, September 10, 2010
A Rock Impresario Gambles on ‘Spider-Man’

Nearly a hundred feet above the stage of Broadway’s FoxwoodsTheater, Michael Cohl wrapped his right hand around one of the cables that will soon fly actors over the audience at the musical “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.” For a moment Mr. Cohl, the accidental producer of the most expensive show in Broadway history, was on top of the theater world, and appropriately so: he is the money man who after years of delays has sent “Spider-Man” airborne. Thanks to him, theatergoers will get to see for themselves if it soars, or falls to earth.
Budget Woes Hit Defense Lawyers for the Indigent
In 1963, the Supreme Court decided “that poor people accused of serious crimes be provided with lawyers paid for by the government" (Davey). This article explains how the state of Missouri has been recently refusing cases due to a smaller budget, a rising number of poor clients, and overworked lawyers. Because cases are getting pushed back and attorneys are getting stressed, it is possible that cases are unnecessarily delayed and innocent people are imprisoned only due to Missouri’s lack of funds. On page 34 in Policy Process, it discusses the 1960’s the national standards during that time. One of the judges from the article, however, says of a client that he doesn’t know how to “provide him with what the law of the land provides.” In class Thursday we discussed economic and political freedom. How is America to stay true to its people and also stick to the law if the funds do not allow us to do so? Is this situation “less important” because it deals with poor people who have committed crimes?
Posted By: Elise Leppert
Workplace shootings...what is to blame
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Anger flares in LA after police shooting of Guatemalan immigrant
US Government Considering Contacting Pastor Planning Quran Burning

The President of U.S, Obama, against a Florida minister's plan to burn copies of the Quran. "President Obama said publicly burning the Quran is a destructive and dangerous act. He also said the minister's plan is an attention-seeking "stunt" that could endanger U.S. troops, but also is a valid exercise of free-speech rights under the U.S. legal system. " From the above piece of news, it presents the right of liberalism side in U.S society! I agreed that what the Obama said, the society really needs freedom and liberalism. The best way to solve the problem is that they need to find and work out where the real&original problem is, and then, solve it. Not only use violent solution to solve it.
Is Europe’s Model Better Than America’s Shock Capitalism?
-Rebecca Jania
Will We Finally Get a Stimulus?
I am going to start this post with adding some credibility to the source of this article. For the past year I have been using a site called The Daily Beast to get a bulk of my current event information. It is an extremely diverse blog started by Tina Brown, previously editor of The New Yorker. The blog is composed of articles written by staff writers, and articles gather from various credible news sources. I encourage you to take a look.
With recent numbers from August showing the number of private payrolls increase by 67,000, President Obama is hopeful that new policies he seeks in Ohio and Wisconsin will be successful. The first of these policies includes tax breaks. The President has plans to implement $12 billion in tax breaks, and $30 billion supplied to people who need aid to “free up” credit. The hope is that small businesses will begin to hire more rapidly. However, it is not all breaks, the bill includes a policy to terminate tax breaks for households earning more than $250,000 annually. This is a bill that was rejected last month, and is now on the table for a second time.
In addition, Obama plans to ask Congress to extend research-and-development tax credit and to increase new infrastructure spending. He believes that it is one of the most “efficient and direct ways” to use government intervention to increase payroll. The last part of the bill could include justification for tax rebates that would stimulate the middle-class spending habits.
Obama has big plans for what he wants to accomplish this fall, but it all comes down to how Congress will vote. He is asking for steep actions, with a lot of money at risk. In order to convince Congress to continue spending and increase, Obama has to be confident his policy will work.
Fastest growing jobs In American
Obama Speaks Out Against Pastor’s Plan to Burn Koran
Despite vocal condemnation and warnings of the almost certain global repercussions that would result from such an act, Pastor Terry Jones of the church has not yet indicated that he is willing to cancel the event.
As shocking and horrifying as this is to most Americans, and as terrifying as its virtually inevitable consequences are, there is little to nothing that government officials can do to stop it in addition to what they have already done. Even though this small event would undoubtedly inspire a worldwide wave of violence and hatred directed towards Americans and indeed all Westerners, it would seem that actually forcing the church to cancel the event would be a violation of its right to freedom of speech.
In an age where the amount of blind belief and number of vitriolic leaders seems to multiply every day, it would appear that one of our nation's greatest sources of pride, our democratic freedom, can sometimes cripple us.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
In one day, two asteroids buzz the Earth!!???

Indiana's financial aid rules squeeze older students
Clinton Speech Offers Policy Overview
Obama is Against a Compromise on Bush Tax Cuts
Sunday, September 5, 2010
30 False Fronts Won Contracts for Blackwater