Saturday, September 18, 2010
A commemoration for innocents who died on 911 or a place where Islamic terrorists triumphed?
President Obama believes that for "emotional reasons" a mosque should not be built so close to Ground Zero. Many believe the wounds from 911 are still two raw for such a thing right now. But can we take away people's rights to freedom? People need to see this as not Islamic terrorists triumphing, but proving the freedom and peace in America, which is what this country stands for.
Elizabeth Woollen
Raising Taxes of Rich will not Solve Deficit Problem
In a recent article in the Economist, a new opinion is brought to the table concerning the debate on taxes between the Democrats and Republicans. As Republicans fight to stop a tax increase of 2 % of the wealthiest Americans, the Democrats insist it is necessary to solve the growing national deficit. However, the Economist suggest that even if this tax is passed it would only bring in revenue of about 34 Billion dollars, a miniscule amount compared to the national GDP. The fact remains that if the Republicans and Democrats do not agree on a tax agenda everyone’s taxes will be going up January 1st. Can Americans really afford a setback in setting an agenda in these hard economic times?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Democrats Use Power of Majority to Pursue Agenda
China Unicom takes orders for Apple's iPhone 4

BEIJING - China's major telecommunication operator China Unicom on Friday began taking pre-orders for Apple's iPhone 4 in China.
Users have to pay 5,880 yuan ($875) for the 16GB version of the iPhone 4 and 6,999 yuan ($1,042) for the 32GB version to get the iPhone 4 and two-year service package services with China Unicom, according to a statement posted on China Unicom's website.
The statement did not give any details about how long customers will have to wait to get their pre-ordered iPhone 4.Huang Wenge, a telecommunication industry analyst at Essence Securities, said iPhone 4 sales will markedly increase the number of China's Unicom's 3G service users.
"China Unicom is expected to have 1.5 million new 3G service users in October, boosted by the iPhone 4 sales," Huang said, as compared with the current average monthly growth of 500,000.
Other analysts, however, remained doubtful whether the iPhone 4 would greatly increase demand for China Unicom's 3G services.
"Most iPhone 4 users are expected to be previous iPhone series users, not new customers," said Wang Liusheng, an analyst at Analysys International.
"I don't think the iPhone 4 products can contribute a lot to the average revenue per user for China Unicom in the second half," he said.
The share price of China Unicom rose 1.87 percent to HK$12 on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange but fell 0.6 percent to 4.99 yuan on the Shanghai Stock Exchange during the morning session Friday.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
GOP still "saying no" on tax cut deal

"Once again, the leaders across the aisle are saying no," Obama said in brief remarks after a Cabinet meeting. "They want to hold these middle-class tax cuts hostage until they get an additional tax cut for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans." What’s more, "We don't have time for any more games," Obama said. "I understand there's an election coming up, but the American people didn't send us here to just think about our jobs. They sent us here to think about theirs."
Middle-class earners are the most likely to spend money saved through tax cuts. The statement means that the American government is delaying an agreement to extend them for the middle class. Nevertheless, in my opinion, Republicans have steadily gained ground on economic issues and now have a slight advantage on handling the economy, the federal deficit and taxes.
Post by: Ziying Yuan
Purdue marks small enrollment bump
-Mallory Lyon
U.S. Meat Farmers Brace for Limits on Antibiotics
Japan Acts to Weaken Yen
Problems of Metric Proportion

In his article “Metric Interstate Divides Arizonans”, Marc Lacey brings to national attention a unique problem that is plaguing the residents of Southern Arizona—Interstate 19 is measured using the metric system. Signs declaring distances in meters and kilometers were installed decades ago when there was a surge in the popularity of the metric system, but recently has done nothing but foster controversy. The state is determined to have it changed, while many businesses and communities are opposed to the planned overhaul of the system, citing expenses related to changing directions on flyers and signs, and lost tourism revenue. This opposition has delayed the Arizona Department of Transportation, and forced them to miss the deadline to claim funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. My question is why must we be so stubborn? The metric system is widely considered to be infinitely easier than the Imperial system, and many younger Americans could rattle off how many millimeters are in a kilometer with minimal thought, but would draw a blank when trying to figure out how many ounces are in a gallon. If the vast majority of Arizonans who drive this stretch every day are fine with the idiosyncratic system, why change it just to conform to the American standard?
Photo: Joshua Lott for The New York Times
—Josh Browning
The Tea Party: Product of Neglect
This is a clear example of American frustration with the current philosophies that are at the heart of current American politics. That there are many politicians in both parties that aren't honoring the constitution. Unfortunately (for a Libertarian like myself) the majority of this movement is not interested in a third party according to NY Times, however they are focused on getting rid of many members of the Republican party that aren't holding true to their platforms. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in this years elections.
Is Obama deliberately destroying the economy?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Student Loan Default Rate Is Continuing to Increase
The biggest issue with the increasing rates is students unable to afford payments thus leading them further into debt. The obama administration has proposed regualtions that allow only eligible students and programs for aid. Many try to avoid debt which is ultimatly possible if they avoid to take out loans for school.
This issue connects with Birkland when he dicusses institutional agenda, becuase education and student loans are issues that are currently being considered by the government.
-Elizabeth Sziler
Monday, September 13, 2010
New Information Emerges On Hunt for Bin Laden

Do you believe that we should stop the hunt for Bin Laden, even though he deserves everything that would come to him if he was caught? Some seem to see that it is actually causing more short-term and long-term problems along with and extreme number of deaths of American solders. Western intelligence agencies were able to form a detailed grasp of Osama Bin Laden's movements in the years after 9/11; and have come closer to capturing him than anyone else has ever before. Even though this has been stated, U.S. intelligence agencies do not agree with the fact that Bin Laden might be captured soon, They stated that very little light on Bin Laden's movements in the recent years have been known of. On this past Friday, President Obama stated that even though we have not caught Bin LAden al Qaeda has been holed up in ways that it has made them very hard to operate. He also said that Bin Laden has gone deep underground and even lower people of Al Qaeda have been harder to find then ever before. Since the Allie forces seem to have a better grasp on his movements these past few years and seem to be more positive in the capture of Bin Laden, should American forces lay away and let the Allies capture him while we seek military missions what we have more of a chance in succeeding in and making change? What is more important? Is one more important over the other? Is all of this worth the possibility of even more terrorism or more disturbance of the Middle East?
New Ads to Try to Build Public Support for Gay Marriage
by yuxia zheng
Keep Bush-Era Tax Rates
Mitchell Kellman
Made in Italy, Made in China
by yuxiazheng
Sunday, September 12, 2010
G.O.P. Leader Boehner Is Tightly Bound to Lobbyists
The recent controversial supreme court decision that granted corporations the same campaign funding rights as a person further perpetuates the fascism in American politics. The article speaks of the some issues Rep. Boehner was recently lobbied at weekly meeting and they ranged from eliminating a debit card cap fee to preventing a cap on greenhouse gases. I believe the convergence of business and politics is undemocratic.
Posted by: Mark Brady
Cigarette Taxes in a Big Brother State
At root of this issue is a conflict between the market and the government sector on control. The tobacco industry is being limited by the massive tax imposed on its product. However this policy is allowed because of the idea of sin tax and government social intervention. The extremity of the nature of this tax can be seen in with comparison. The tax on cigarettes in Indiana adds about a dollar to the price of a pack, while in Illinois the tax adds on about 3.66$. A possible "solution" to this that is being tested involves an electronic id on the stamps, but the main problem so far has been the cost of the technology required for this to be effective. It will be intresting in the coming years to see whether or not the politcians realize that if they didn't place massive taxes on the cigarettes in the first place, they wouldn't have to spend so much money to make sure people pay.
NY mosque investor declines Trump's buyout offer
The ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001
Terrorists still focused on hurting US, Brown says
This article is about the freshman senator, Scott Brown, and how he has learned over the past seven months that the United States is still a serious threat for terrorism. In chapter five of Birkland, he shows that the media attention towards terrorism took a major jump after the attacks on September 11th. Since then there have been no major successful attacks. However, based on what Senator Brown stated, there could have been plenty of attempts that were foiled. He points out that there have been recent attempts to hurt the United States, but none have worked. He also talks about how Iran is the biggest threat to harm the United States because their “tentacles are everywhere.” The Senator wants to warn the people that now nine years later, terrorist are still out to get the United States and all of his intelligence points towards Iran as the ones who are trying to build nuclear weapons which could lead to an almost Cold War type arms race.
-Will Kalish
UN: 24 dead, 70,000 homeless in Chad flooding
World Panel Backs Rules to Avert Banking Crises
Obama's plan to extend some tax cuts may be gaining traction
House G.O.P. Leader Signals He’s Open to Obama Tax Cut
House minority leader John Boehner said he would reluctantly vote in favor of letting the Bush era tax cuts for those who make over $250,000 expire as long as tax cuts for the middle and lower classes stay in place. Though Boehner is willing to cast his vote in favor of Obama’s Tax cut he has vowed to fight to renew the Bush tax cuts for everyone. It seems that the Republicans are not the only ones Nancy Pelosi and President Obama must convince to vote in favor of raising taxes on the wealthy, many Democrats are siding with republicans in opposition to the new bill. Some Democrats, agree with Boehner, who thinks it’s a mistake to raise taxes on anyone considering the economic state of the nation.
Boehner’s view that it is better for the good of the economy to keep taxes low during an economic downturn ties in with the idea of classical liberalisms. According to Birklin classical liberalism emphasizes liberties and private property ownership “as a means by which to improve overall wealth and happiness” (Birklin 19).
Kate White
As Time Passes, the Goals in Afghanistan Shrink
The article states "at this point, what can the United States really hope to achieve in Afghanistan?"I feel like this is the most important question we have to answer because we need to realize that time is running out and that we must change our agenda in the region. If this is done we can be somewhat successful in resolving this conflict.
posted by: Alec King
Federal Employees owe IRS a Billion in Back Taxes
Recently after an extended investigation The Washington Post found out that 41 White House aides owe the Internal Revenue Service $831,000 in back taxes. This however is not all that was found, in total across the United States federal employees owe a billion dollars in back taxes to the IRS. Federal employees neglecting their taxes gives rise to the simple fact that the economic state of the United States is at a low point. For the people that go to work everyday and struggle to pay their taxes when big time federal employees feel exempt from doing the same, is shameful. President Obama has even tried to appoint a man, Timothy Geithner, who had thousands of dollars in IRS back taxes to the position of the Secretary of the Treasury. With the US in such economic turmoil having government employees not paying their own taxes, the United States takes another blow on how they are perceived around the world and at home. And that hope that the American people felt for an economic turnaround took a huge blow as well, with the people running the show failing to carry out a fundamental practice of a US citizen.
Ben Rains
CORO Southern California's Public Affairs Fellows Begin Anew
The 53rd class of Fellows in Public Affairs at Coro Southern California began this past week with twelve new future leaders. | |||
For over half a century, the Coro Southern California Center for Civic Leadership has been “Training Tomorrow’s Leaders” through its venerated Public Affairs Fellows program. A number of local leaders have gone through the rigorous nine month training—including U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein, U.S. Congressman Jerry Lewis, state Senator Alex Padilla, former City Councilman David Cunningham, publisher David Abel; public affairs expert Kerman Maddox, Governor Schwarzenegger aides Billie Greer and Lisa Kalustian, former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Chief of Staff Robin Kramer. Twelve more future leaders began their Coro leadership experience this week as the 53rd class of Fellows in Public Affairs at Coro Southern California. |