Do you believe that we should stop the hunt for Bin Laden, even though he deserves everything that would come to him if he was caught? Some seem to see that it is actually causing more short-term and long-term problems along with and extreme number of deaths of American solders. Western intelligence agencies were able to form a detailed grasp of Osama Bin Laden's movements in the years after 9/11; and have come closer to capturing him than anyone else has ever before. Even though this has been stated, U.S. intelligence agencies do not agree with the fact that Bin Laden might be captured soon, They stated that very little light on Bin Laden's movements in the recent years have been known of. On this past Friday, President Obama stated that even though we have not caught Bin LAden al Qaeda has been holed up in ways that it has made them very hard to operate. He also said that Bin Laden has gone deep underground and even lower people of Al Qaeda have been harder to find then ever before. Since the Allie forces seem to have a better grasp on his movements these past few years and seem to be more positive in the capture of Bin Laden, should American forces lay away and let the Allies capture him while we seek military missions what we have more of a chance in succeeding in and making change? What is more important? Is one more important over the other? Is all of this worth the possibility of even more terrorism or more disturbance of the Middle East?
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